Get ready for PES 2017 RM 1 Manakalani Film Festival. Coming at you SOON!. For our Film Festival this year, We will of course be doing some fantastic random things on set and in action, you'll be laughing and you might be crying of tears ofn joy while watching our movies but lets just say that you might also thinks its weird. But that's okay because were suppose to make you feel like that sometimes, So on 2 our movie. Each of us are going to be doing something with a partner a group or just yourself. One person from our class will be presenting our movie telling whats it about. I'm telling you a little bit about our. Of course our movies is going to be great ( Better than all the other ones). But maybe. When we'er making our movie scene we had to be careful with what we were doing. We were laughing while we were making as a team, Mostly team work. So that's about it about our movie, We will be having it in term 4 and other schools will be there 2....
A space for us to share what we've been up to. Check us out - You'll love us!